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Holistic Care Questions
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What is reflexology?
This deeply relaxing treatment involves massage and applying pressure to points on the feet to help prevent and treat a wide range of mental, physical and emotional problems.
The premise that there is a definitive relationship between areas of the feet and other parts of the body allows me to identify tensions and imbalances in your system. In other words, the feet are actually a ‘map’ of the body and, as such, can be gently worked on to stimulate circulation, release toxins and restore balance and vitality.
What is reiki?
Maybe you’ve heard of reiki but don’t quite know what it is. Maybe you’re considering reiki but aren’t sure whether it’s right for you. Or maybe your doctor has suggested reiki as a form of therapy complementary to your existing medical treatments.
Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners like myself use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support your body natural healing.
This is done whilst lying on a couch if possible or sitting in a comfortable chair. You are fully clothed throughout the treatment.
What is Chakra Rebalancing
Chakra Balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras. When we talk about treating chakras we are referring to treating your energetic body.
It is very easy with busy stressful lives that our energy channels can become off balance and we do not even realise until it shows as a physical ailment. This is a beautiful relaxing treatment carried out on the couch and you remain fully clothed.
This treatment is most successful with clients who are open and understanding to the principles of energy in our bodies.
How can these treatments help me?
Both treatments have a long list of physical, mental and emotional benefits some of which include:
Stress and anxiety reduction
Increased circulation
Improvement of nerve functions
Elimination of toxins
Boosts metabolism and energy levels
Menstruation difficulties
Hormone imbalances
Pregnancy discomforts
Fertility issues
Male heath issues
Reducing headaches
Chronic pain management
What should I expect from my first reflexology treatment?
On arrival take a seat in the small waiting room and I will greet you when I am ready. We will have a short chat using your previously filled in consultation form and discuss the focus of your treatment. You remain fully clothed apart from shoes and socks. I will help you get comfy on the couch and offer you a hot water bottle, blanket and eye mask to aid relaxation.
The treatment will begin with me at your head where I will use some aromatic oils for you to breathe, this will be the last time I talk to you until the treatment is over.
I will complete your treatment and will then leave the room to allow you a short relaxation time, you will remain on the couch for this.
After this I will return to the room, dry off your feet and return to your head area with some rejuvenating aromatic oils. I will let you know your treatment is now over. I will leave the room for 5 mins while you take your time getting up and seated again. I will have left you a glass of water, a treat and a sample of some temple or wrist balm.
When I return we will chat through my findings and recommendations after which I will guide to you reception where you can pay cash or card and I will offer to book another appointment for you.
What should I expect from my first reiki or chakra rebalancing treatment?
On arrival take a seat in the small waiting room and I will greet you when I am ready. We will have a short chat using your previously filled in consultation form and discuss the focus of your treatment. You remain fully clothed apart from your shoes. It is important to wear loose comfortable clothing. I will help you to get comfy on the couch and offer you a hot water bottle, blanket and eye mask to aid relaxation.
The treatment will begin with me at your head where I will use some aromatic oils for you to breathe, this will be the last time I talk to you until the treatment is over. However if you need to communicate any feelings or thoughts during the treatment you should feel free to do so.
During your treatment I will gently place my hands on various points of your body, I may use crystals or a sound bowl as well, we will chat about this at consultation.
I will briefly leave the room, you will continue to relax on the couch. I will return to the room and to your head area with some rejuvenating aromatic oils. I will let you know your treatment is now over.
I will leave the room for 5 mins while you take your time getting up and seated again. I will have left you a glass of water, a treat and a sample of some temple or wrist balm.
When I return we will chat through how you felt about the treatment and voice any thoughts you may wish to share after which I will guide to you reception where you can pay cash or card and I will offer to book another appointment for you.